Entries by Relais Victoria

Relais Victoria and Amphitheater Jazz

                                      Relais Victoria and Amphitheater Jazz                                          International Jazz Music Festival Relais Victoria is pleased to announce that once again takes center stage great music in the square in Lucca Amphitheatre. A calendar full of great music with fantastic musicians. Listed below are just a few of their own example of how much good music […]

Relais Victoria is on Via Francigena

Relais Victoria is on  Via Francigena That of the Via Francigena, is most famous walks and pilgrimage in Europe. Via Francigena from Canterbury (England) led to Rome is a journey of history, a major route which in the past by thousands of pilgrims traveling to Rome. Via Francigena crosses Europe, from Canterbury, runs through the […]

Holy Easter at the Relais Victoria

Holy Easter at the Relais Victoria. Also this year we have experienced a Santa peaceful Easter and in the company of nice people who have spent their holidays here at Relais Victoria. The climate did not promise clear weather but the desire to relax and have fun of our guests, it was stronger. In fact, […]

News at Relais Victoria

Starting this year there will be big News at Relais Victoria! Always doing a lot of attention to the needs of our guests and to achieve the goal of making them more and more relaxing and enjoyable holiday, we decided to add a beautiful News at Relais Victoria. So many of our guests, returning from […]

Christmas in Lucca

Il Natale a Lucca è sempre molto speciale, frizzante e ricco di belle emozioni. Natale a Lucca vuol dire vivere in un atmosfera serena in compagnia o anche da soli, girando per le strade addobbate con luci sfavillanti, si perchè a Lucca non ci si sente mai soli, si è sempre accompagnati  da sguardi cordiali che ti circondano. Vivere il […]

Photolux Festival 2015 Benvenuti a Lucca

Photolux Festival 2015 Sacro e Profano Photolux festival edizione 2015 è dedicato all’eterno dualismo che regola il mondo. Come al solito un’edizione ricca di ospiti, eventi e tutto quanto collegato alla fotografia. Gli incontri aperti al pubblico portano a Lucca, durante i weekend del festival, importanti ospiti internazionali per confrontarsi, tra gli altri, sui temi […]